Donate Now

One traditional method of providing services would be a centralized funding method which is managed based off of the company priorities, but we want to offer the ability to donate to specific programs based off of interest. Of course the overall company will require funding as well to operate. However, investors will have the opportunity to choose what programs they donate to. Funding pots will be published regularly and advances will be posted. 

For now a general donation go fund me link is below and future projects will be added to the list with individual links.

Future projects

Information collection through surveys.

  What is needed, what is wanted, what has value, lessons learned, history, blogs, and changes needed to current real life problems. 

Auto hobby shop shared space.

  A place to work on cars with your children, teach classes, host events for public speakers, seminars and more.

Distributable resources, products, information, and guides.

  How to lists, who does what, defining problems and terms. Mental Health supporting agencies, legal Supporting agencies, const analysis of processes from cradle to grave, co-parenting agreements, financial agreements, child arrangements templates... 

Special project custom car build. 

  Donate to the current custom build. This can be done through services, skills, time, funding, parts, and would be included in sponsorship agreements when requested. These projects will eventually make it around to car shows and other events to add visibility to those invested as well as the cause. 

Internships and ride alongs

Marketing and membership can go hand in hand. With people in every industry donating not only money but the services of their business there are great possibilities. Those enrolled in this program would be able to offer internships, apprenticeships, and more to both parents and youth in need. If you have something to offer or a service you provide and feel it would be beneficial to those enrolled such a program, reach out and we can find a way to help.